We help our clients invest in marketing assets that brand, build and boost business. After years of supporting clients – optimizing their websites, search visibility, email marketing, online ads and social media and helping them select video companies, we went…wait! It’s time we too had a video that communicates who we are, what we do and whom we serve!

Web Marketing Therapy collaborated with Crisp Video Group, an Atlanta-based video production and marketing company with a singular passion for telling their client’s stories in remarkable ways. It was wonderful working with them – this video puts a face and voice behind our unique approach and passion for what we do.

In this video, Web Marketing Therapy’s CEO Lorrie Thomas Ross, as well as one of our wonderful clients, B.J. Bernstein, an Atlanta-based trial attorney talk about our work.

In the video, Lorrie explains the distinct “therapy” approach WMT takes with its clients:

How is marketing like therapy? Therapy is about healing. It’s about being the best you can possibly be, and that’s about healthy relationships; relationships with others, your customers, your prospective customers. It’s about having your best foot forward.

There is an art of marketing and a science of web marketing – when you do it from a place of heart and have a team behind you who can support you, empower you and get you on the right patch, everything falls into place.

Huge thanks to Crisp Video Group for your time, energy and talent, and thank you B.J. Bernstein for being a part of our video and sharing your experience working with Web Marketing Therapy!