The only constant in this wild and wonderful web world is change. Digital marketing trends are ever-evolving, which is really exciting, but it can also be a bit derailing for those who are a little too novelty-seeking. As the word “trend” implies, the manner of marketing that’s hot right now can swing the other way tomorrow, next week, or next year. Our agency has deep roots in web marketing, but we also have deep ties to psychology and it’s important to note that there are pros and cons to seeking novelty or trends. As seasoned marketers, we’ve seen it all – from the dot-com boom to the dot-com bust – to the emergence of social media to the growth of AI. We understand how fun and exciting it is to jump on the latest trends, yet it’s also important to ask these questions before you jump in or pay to play in the next trendy marketing wave:

Will this marketing make a difference for my business in five minutes? In five days? In five weeks? In five months? In five years?

Having been in the marketing industry for almost two decades – much longer than many online marketing companies – the Web Marketing Therapy team specializes in helping businesses establish a solid digital marketing foundation built to perform in the present and the future. When clients wish to embrace the latest marketing trend and have the budget for it, we are happy to assist…and advise. It’s essential to be strategic with marketing so you aren’t just spending time, but you are investing in sustainable solutions. Marketing trends can fade quickly, when you ask yourself these questions above, it helps you make smart choices so you have a robust marketing foundation to rely on.

When it comes to jumping on a trend without critically evaluating it, remember that quick and dirty is always quick, but you almost always end up dirty. In psychology, individuals with high levels of novelty seeking are often characterized as more impulsive and disorganized. They are more likely to engage in risky behaviors. The same can apply to marketing novelty seekers.

A solid marketing foundation includes:

  • A well-constructed website: visually appealing, user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and optimized for search engines
  • Clear messaging: specific and consistent language to engage your audience, provide a solution, and demonstrate your value
  • Consistent branding: a clear visual narrative using strategic color(s) and design
  • Leveraging high-quality content across marketing platforms: to build trust, recognition, and engagement
  • Clearly prioritized projects
  • Thoughtful processes and systems
  • Clear measurement

The Five Factors for Marketing Success

There are five factors that you need to have in place to make your marketing click. Our Founder, Lorrie Thomas Ross, highlights the things to think about as you put your marketing puzzle together.

Trends come and go, but a solid marketing foundation will ensure that your business can adapt regardless of the current marketing landscape.

Be aware of all the new, cool tools, trends, and technologies, but be a healthy skeptic before you dive in. Critically evaluate when, how, and why you are doing it so your time, energy, and money are used wisely.

Contact us to make your marketing click for today, tomorrow, and beyond.