Wil Thomas

Lead Web Programmer, Designer

Accuracy is speed… doing it right the first time, is what ultimately saves time.

Wil ThomasAs one of the few non-estrogen producing members of the team, Wil (that’s with one “L” – he’s not a verb!) has, so far, successfully avoided having to show up to company meetings in a skirt and pair of Manolo Blahniks… so far.

Wil is an avid cyclist, canyoneer, and FUNcle to his nieces. In a previous life, he was part owner and Vice President of Marketing for Veterinarian’s Best, Inc., a multi-million dollar, all natural pet product company, and directed and created web, print and product branding for over 100 different products sold worldwide to Petco, PetSmart, Walmart and others. So, you can say he understands running a business.

With a degree in Marketing and over a decade of design and programming experience, Wil brings a unique blend of right and left-brain function to help create clean, simple and powerful marketing tools where great user experience is blended with visual aesthetics.

Wil gets that code and how websites work is “greek” to most people. He always takes time and care to explain things in a “non-geeky” way so that everyone understands.

  • Diagnosis: An incurable attention to detail and humor
  • Addictions: Cycling, clean design, old MST3000 episodes, and craft beers
  • Obsessions: Being organized, exercising, and making it a point to remember to have fun in life
  • Phobias: Office cubicles and being too accessible, Conflicting WordPress Plugins
  • Compulsive Behaviors: It would be way easier to list the non-compulsive behaviors
  • Self-medicates with: Miles of road bike cycling and running errands on his fixie, “canyoneering” (ever see the movie where the guy cuts his own arm off?) and rappelling off waterfalls in Zion and Death Valley, occasional foodie endeavors