Anne Orfila
Web Marketing Content Strategist
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. – Oscar Wilde
Anne Orfila likes asking questions. When she meets someone, she likes to figure out relationships between that person and other people they may or may not have in common. Then she stores that information away and adds it to all the other people-connecting patterns that are floating around in her head. It is no wonder then why she likes the world of web marketing and social media management. The world wide web (“web”(noun): something formed by or as if by weaving or interweaving) is all about connecting. She loves to connect the right audience with the right business to facilitate healthy and organic growth of the organization.
Anne Orfila has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California Santa Barbara that has nothing to do with marketing or business. The best marketing “education” has been on the job and from Lorrie Thomas Ross, CEO of Web Marketing Therapy. Lorrie and Anne worked together previously in the private sector in the internet industry during the dot-com boom. When Lorrie started her own consulting business and her business started to flourish, she hired Anne to help with the workload and the rest is history!
While some part of her brain is always thinking about work, Anne does like to spend her non-computer time with her husband, two boys, and feisty dog. She also enjoys a good dinner out, getting together with friends, and a sweaty, fast-flowing vinyasa yoga class.
- Diagnosis: Seasonal Affective Disorder and slightly obsessive (needs sunshine for proper functioning, likes to keep everything – work, household, finances, shoes, schedules – in specific order)
- Addictions: Using emoticons in text messages, checking email, yoga, green tea and green coffee bean drinks from Starbucks, Google calendar
- Obsessions: Being 28 years old (year after year), cashmere, asking questions, doing laundry, shoe shopping
- Phobias: Dirty clothes, excessive hashtagging #forreals, overcast days, really cold weather, spilling beverage on laptop
- Compulsive Behaviors: Laundry, online shopping, traveling with favorite pillow
- Self-medicates with: Chick Lit books, yoga, sunshine, online Scrabble, quality chocolate, walking the dog, plucking eyebrows, sleep, red wine, tasty food