Hootsuite is a social media marketing “must-have”. Our Web Marketing Therapy teammates utilize it daily to schedule social media posts on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook for our company and our clients. There is a dashboard that allows users to easily see activity by client including past posts, scheduled posts, and mentions.

Recently, Hootsuite got even better! They upgraded their “Composer” – or post scheduler – to include emojis, royalty free images (from Pixabay), and GIPHYs.

Try out the new composer on Hootsuite by clicking on the green button in the top right corner:

social media marketing with hootsuite


The composer page will open and will look like this. Our WMT blue arrows point out the new features. You also have the ability to add your own media image.

hootsuite composer

Adding emojis and/or images to your social media post is like adding sprinkles to a cake. Not necessary but it makes it so much prettier!

Happy Hootsuite-ing!