Follow this simple tip to optimize your blog writing and reduce social media marketing stress:
When possible, cut dates and time references from your blog posts.

I’m a big believer in using old content to make new social media posts. Without dates and time references, your blog posts are more likely to remain timeless, which makes them easily re-share-able!

time content marketingTo keep old (but great) content current, remove the date stamp in your blog posts. A blog post that shows it was written years ago is often considered to a reader to be dated. By taking the dates off, you instantly remove this issue. I love being able to share great content my clients wrote that is years old, seeing one great effort getting more marketing mileage makes me so happy!

The other simple blog writing optimization tip is to avoid time references in text. For example, words like “recently” or “today” or “this week” as in no time at all the post will not be recent, today or the week you write it.

Blogging is one of the best things you can do to brand, build and boost business. If you are going to take the time to write a great blog post, recycle it. Cutting time references helps make content repurposing seamless!

Happy, healthy marketing!