When you think of email marketing, you usually think of promotional messages, right?

Yes, but the way you “market” yourself with your coworkers, clients and the leaders you report to is also a part of your brand – personal marketing!

We confess that we can be control freaks at times (ok, ok, we are control freaks most ALL of the time) when it comes to our email communications.

Here is our agency hack to magnificently managing internal emails:
e do it with a free and fabulous email management solution called Boomerang

This plugin is a lifesaver.

Long gone are the days where you email clients at 10 PM when pulling a late-night, lose track of important emails that have action items in your cluttered inbox, or try to manually manage when you send emails at ideal times when you could be spending time much more productively. 

If you’re organized and managing your time well, you’re going to get more work done. And that often supports your ability to do marketing management magic 🙂

Boomerang is a great plugin that can help you optimize how you manage your email inbox, which is marketing super sauce for your productivity and your personal brand. 

Here are some of Boomerang’s email management benefits:

  1. Schedule to send emails at a later date. Set it and forget it!
  2. Set a follow-up reminder for important emails in your inbox. We LOVE this feature.
  3. Set a reminder if you don’t hear back on emails you send. 
  4. Use with iOs, Android, Safari, Chrome, etc.


Being a control freak when it comes to your email communications is ok. 

Give it a try – it’s a healthy Rx for email time management, organization, and your sanity.. it has definitely saved ours at times!